Monday, May 14, 2012

I'm Fffrrreeeee!!!

I have always loved Disney movies. It's a softer way of teaching about the good and evil of the world. That the good always wins in the end. Well this ending clip of Aladdin has special meaning to me now. Well sort of. I used this clip, or one very similar to this one to announce to my friends and family here in Oregon that I was free. Free of what they didn't know. I couldn't tell them at the time until I got the ok from President Brady. On May 9th I got the best letter I have ever received....EVER!! I got my letter from the first presidency of the church declaring that as of May 7th I was no longer sealed to Daniel. I am finally free from a man who tore me down everyday of my life with him. My family still does not know what happened behind closed doors with Daniel and I and maybe they never will. If they ever knew what really happened in my marriage they would definitely think twice before ever letting him see his boys again.

It is hard at times to think about the reality of the past. My choice of Daniel was a terrible one. It cost me greatly. It cost me my boys. My family still praises Daniel for staying with me after I got sick and we chose to give up the boys. Little did/do the realize the complete selfishness that was made in that decision. He didn't want to be a father. Didn't want the responsibilities, yet my family thought I was the reason why...Sigh! Daniel could control me, do whatever he wanted with me. With the boys he lost his temper frequently. I am so grateful that they do not have Daniel as their father roll model. Statistics show that if you come from an abusive family that you are more likely to be abusive yourself. Well in Daniel's case he became one of the statistics. My family may never know the struggles that I dealt with in those 7 long years of marriage. It's a time in my life that I'm ashamed of.

Thankfully my Heavenly Father gave me the courage, strength, and the ok to get away from that unhealthy atmosphere. It was just over two years ago that I packed up my things and left Daniel. It was a very scary time in my life. Everyone around me wanted me to try and make things work out. I knew that I had made the right decision for me. I am so grateful that I stuck to my guns and filed for that divorce. I  remember the day I got my divorce papers in the mail. The state had set me free from this awful experience. I was grateful and continued to start to move on.

This past week in getting the letter from the first presidency with all their signatures on it was a healing experience for me. As I read the letter I fell to my knees in gratitude. It was a humbling experience and even though I knew I had made the right decision in leaving Daniel and moving on with my life and planning my wedding with Jake it was so beautiful to see those signatures. It was like another witness for me that the Lord was pleased with my decision then and He is pleased with my decision now. So as of May 7th I have been a free woman. Even in the eternal perspective of things. Now I knew that Daniel at least at this point in his life would not be in the celestial kingdom, he doesn't have a current temple recommend. I wish I could explain to you the relief in knowing that my choice back then my huge mistake....that I will not be stuck to that decision for the eternities. That the Lord has given me a second chance and that I can now be sealed to Jake for time and all eternity in the walls of the Lords house in June.

I am a freeeee lady! Well at least for a month, but even then I will still be free. I will just have someone to share my freedom with. I will actually be married to someone who truly wants the same things that I want. That will uplift me as I uplift him. " I chose you!! I chose you" 'Jake'!

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