Monday, May 7, 2012

Feeling Old Yet!

Yesterday was a day I have been dreading to come for over a year now. I turned the big 3-0!!! Ahhh! I'm so old! I think I feel even older now that I'm with someone that is so much younger than I am. Jake just turned 24 this past February. Some funny facts with our age differences.

I was baptized when Jake was 3 yrs. old.

Jake was baptized at the time I was first wearing a training bra.

When I went on my first date Jake was still in 6th grade.

When I graduated High School Jake just started the Young Men's Program.

When Jake turned 16 I just had my first child.

When Jake graduated High School I was going to college for a second time.

So...that was supposed to cheer me up and make me laugh....well maybe it will in the future. Maybe.

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