Monday, September 26, 2011

Good News!!

Photo01This is my new place of residence... if you truly believe me then you are a sucker! No, this is my new place of employment. Wahoo! I am starting tomorrow. It's orientation and am very excited and nervous. I will be working with patience who are suffering from dementia and Alzheimer (sp?).

My interview was this past Saturday. It is so fabulous to have at the end of the interview the question so when can you start? Does Tuesday work for you. I'd like you to come in then for orientation. There was no waiting time to see if I got the job or not. Let me tell you it saves a lot of torment time for me. Usually when I get out of an interview I go over in my head what was said, asked and how I responded. Trying to learn from the situation so that hopefully next time I will be able to improve my interviewing skills. phewph!! I am so grateful to have this job. I don't know for sure if I will be working on Sunday's or not, but I did put that on my application so I hope that Sunday's will continue to be free so that I can do my calling.

I will keep you posted on how my first week as a care giver goes. It is a better paying job (not by much) than the Allison. So it's definitely started out to be a very positive thing. :)

On a side note. My relief society calling is kind of wishy washy. I can't think of a better word at the moment sorry. Anyways last week the relief society president Missy Spencer is moving to Utah. We have just barely been in about a month. So now, since the Branch isn't ready as they called it to call a new presidency I get to play relief society president since I was/am the first councilor. Its crazy, I feel very lost and overwhelmed by the responsibility at hand. Hopefully I will get some time to study my new responsibilities this week, so that I can do a fair job when the time comes to go to the meetings and conduct relief society. Yeah! I'm honored for the responsibilities and pray that I may be strong enough to endure the challenges that I may be faced with.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Short Lived!

So the Allison was very short lived. Yup! Today was my last day. Well actually it was more like Tuesday. I arrived at work today and was there for a good 30 minutes waiting for my supervisor to have two seconds to tell me that they didn't need me anymore. I cried all the way home. So frustrated! Why did I even take that stupid job when I knew I would have to work on Sundays. Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!

On a plus note, I did end up working at least 6 hours at another place here in MAC. Yeah! So I still made some money today which is good. I also had time to apply for a couple more jobs today. I am also crossing my fingers that I will be able to run in the 5k tomorrow that I had been training for to dedicate to the boys. I don't know if they will let me because I didn't send my check to run and I'm not sure they will let me pay the day off, but I'm sure going to try. Now I gotta find were I packed my shirt. I really hope its not at Bob's cuz I don't want to talk to him right now.

Another fabulous plus. I get to go to church on Sunday! Wahoo!!!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

The Allison Resort


Well this is the beautiful resort that I am now employed at. It really is a gorgeous place. It's insanely busy right now, it being a holiday weekend and all. Though they till me it will be this busy until October. Craziness is what I call it. Today I saw a couple that was from Paris. Fancy Smancy!
The cheapest stay is about $450/night. It's incredible to me for someone to have that kind of money. Seriously the people that are staying all weekend if they got the cheapest deal is still spending $1800 just on a place to stay, a little spa treatment and some fabulous food.

My experience is much different for obvious reasons than those that stay with us. In fact just finished my second day of work and I have blisters and sores on my feet, a backache, and a monster headache. I am currently icing my knee as I am typing. It makes me sound old. In fact I told my friend Carlos that I feel old. Everyone at work has informed me that it will get better after the first week of working there. Even your feet will stop aching, they say. Most of the people that I work closely with are latinos. I guess it's a good time to learn spanish. I have learned that I hate it because they start talking spanish when they don't want me to know what they are talking about. I think it is incredibly rude. Now I know what it is like for the Deaf people who have friends who speak both spoken and sign, and chose to speak and then maybe paraphrase in sign to them. Frustrating! I feel much like an idiot most of the time. Very unimportant! Kind of like I'm a fly on the wall and they are trying to swat at me to get away.

It is hard work and though I don't mind working helps the day go a little faster. I feel incredibly lonely at work. I am not looking forward to working tomorrow (Sunday) it will be my first time ever working on Sunday in my life. I wish so badly that I could change my schedule around. I might stay longer if I could. Anyways I'm trying to look at it as a stepping stone to a more fulfilling job that wont make me work on the sabbath day. Urg!! This is killing me. I don't know how long I'll be able to do this without having my Sunday's to take the sacrament. It's depressing!!! I guess I need to pray harder for a new job to come up.