Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Is postponement even a word...well if not I just made it one.

Sadly, yet peaceably Jake and I are postponing our wedding from the planned June 16, 2012 (sigh, I loved that date) to the unknown. At least right now we don't know. We were informed by our new Branch President last week that we should not have scheduled the sealing until after the sealing cancellation has been finalized. I was crushed at first. I'm still sad and getting used to the idea that June will come and go without wedding bells for Jake and I, but I know feel more comforted about the unknown of our future.

This Sunday I finally have an appointment with the stake president to finalize my part of the cancellation having received Daniel's letter the week before. I don't really know what to expect from meeting with President Noyes on the matter, but either way I look forward to meeting with him and continuing this process of removing the sealing from a man who unfortunately didn't understand the promises made within the temple walls. Hopefully one day he will be able to go back and make those commitments again. Thank heavens for the plan of salvation and the knowledge of the atonement. It brings me hope to know that forgiven to anyone who accepts Christ. I know for myself that is the peace that I have found in my life because of the mistakes I make and will inevitably do in the future as well.

Anyways I'm rambling a bit. Back to reality. After the meeting with President Noyes all the paper work will then be sent to Salt Lake City for the brethren to go over. Jake and I have heard multiple accounts of it being a rather quick process at this point or a rather long process. The question of when Jake and I will be getting married are in their hands. We are praying that it will not be too long. We are praying even harder that Jake and I may continue to stay strong and continue to do things that are pleasing with the Lord so that when the time comes we will be ready. Delaying the wedding in such a way makes things a little bit more difficult to plan since we now don't know if it will be able to be and outdoor reception or what...but hopefully things will continue to move forward some how. I'm up for any suggestions if anyone has any.

Here is hoping that the brethren may not take too long okaying the cancellation so that I can be sealed to my best friend forever. I love him sooo much!!!

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