FINALLY!! The day has come that I now have some decent walking/running shoes. I have been wanting and needing some new shoes for over a year now. I've had multiple chances to get them actually. I was given birthday money last year and then also Christmas money as well, but because of lack of a decent paying job that money always went to bills. Well after a couple of trips to different stores in hopes for a good pair of shoes for a good price yesterday Jake (my love, my Hercules) found me these adorable pair of shoes. They are perfect and I couldn't believe my luck that they were on sale. I plan to go walking later today hoping that the sun will shine long enough to enjoy the moment. Even if the sun doesn't decide to shine today I'm determined to venture out in my new shoes and work and getting better. My back has had its up's but mostly it seems to be a LOT of down's. I try to pace myself and find that I'm probably the most inpatient person there ever was. Hopefully having these better supportive shoes and not having my feet rubbed raw will help in my healing process. My goal by the end of the month is to at least walk a 5k for the March of Dimes on the 28th with my future family. :)

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