You can never cross the ocean unless you have the COURAGE to lose sight of the shore.
Friday, June 24, 2011
Sunday, June 19, 2011
My first Father's day away from dad and missing him. I wish I could get a Daddy hug right about now. I love ya Dad! Your the best!
“Daddy I love you! Daddy I do. Father in Heaven has sent me to you. When I am lonely I want you near me. Telling me softly that you love me too. Daddy I love you I love you I do!”
I’m not sure the words are correct but it’s the best to my memory. This is a primary song that I recall singing to my dad on numerous occasions on Father’s day. Today as I’ve been thinking a lot about my Father of father’s day I find myself homesick for is big bear hug. There is no one in my life besides at times Daniel that has been able to give me a hug and make me feel as loved, secure, and safe as my dad does. And it never fails every time he gives me a hug I feel it. Even when I’m so mad at him, or super sick, or whatever it doesn’t matter. Dad has always had that effect on me. I don’t know what it is exactly but I’m grateful that I can always turn to him for that added measure of peace and love that I have needed at times in my life.
As I have been remembering some of the times that I have cherished the most about my dad I found a desire to write them down so one day I can look back when I am feeling lonely and scared and feel that comfort and love that I feel from him through his example. This is the first time that I’ve ever been away from my father on father’s day, which I can remember. I’ve always been spoiled with the fact that he was just a couple miles away. Anyways on to some of my favorite stories of my dad.
I remember when I was a little girl and on Sunday’s after a long 3 hours at church and after we had our fabulous Sunday dinner mom always prepared for us. Dad would take us kids up to his bedroom where we cuddled up next to him while he read us the stories from the ‘Friends’ magazine. I loved hearing him read these stories and being so close next to him. I was in a safe place and would soon be fast asleep. (which of course was the plan all along.)
Dad gave me a safe haven in men that I was blessed to have. Because of his example of love and respect that he showed me that man can be and are good men. Being abused as a little girl like I was it has amazed all my therapist and Dr. at how well I have done with dealing with men and having healthy relationship with the opposite sex that I do have. Now my image of men was tainted by this man who chose to take advantage of me but I know that because my dad was such a gentle loving man that it helped keep my perspective more open, to not be so afraid. It helped me stay out of situations that would have caused even more problems later on in life. For the example that he was to me on how he treated my mother….. I will always be grateful for.
I remember loving Saturdays not only was it one day out of the week that I could sometimes get to sleep in on but I would always be awoken to the fabulous smell of dad’s cooking breakfast. No one can cook pancakes like dad. And when Norway’s waffles came into our lives breakfast on Saturdays couldn’t get any better. He could always make the perfect eggs..mmm I’m getting hungry just thinking about it.
I love nature and the biggest reason is because of my dad’s love for nature. Most of the time our vacations when I was younger and even now are always to some national park. I was spoiled in those vacations as dad and mom would cook us Dutch oven dinners and grill burgers over the fire. Dad really is quite the cook. I remember when we were out camping on Sundays and where unable to find a church to go to that Dad would make sure to give us some kind of spiritual lesson. I think I felt the spirit more in nature with my dad’s voice teaching us the gospel than any other time that he bore testimony to us.
I always looked forward to receiving a father’s blessing from dad at the beginning of every school year. I was always so nervous about starting school. I don’t remember anything that was actually said in those blessings but I do remember feeling more calm. After dad would give us each a blessing he would give us a hug. I love and miss those times greatly. I was very blessed to have a father who not only taught the gospel to me but also taught me by example. He loved and served all the time especially to Grandma Buck. There is no wonder to me why grandma loved my dad so much. It’s the same reason why we love Christ, because He first loved us.
Another treat on Saturdays was to go to the old Gold’s Gym with Dad each week. We would play basketball and go swimming and then he would take us to Wendy’s for kids meals. We also would get to pick one treat out when we would go grocery shopping with dad Saturday evening before we took our baths. Sometimes we could convince Dad to even let us get oreos or something.
Dad too us is known as the endurance runner. Dad finds is pace and he can run forever never seeming to get winded or too tired to keep going. Dad is like that in life too. He is a go getter. He doesn’t idle he is constantly reading some book, or out mowing the lawn, growing a garden, shoveling the snow, etc., etc. His endurance for life is evident in his everyday living. His love for the gospel and his family is ever present in his action and endless hours of service.
Dad is a giver. Dad has a gift of being the spirit into any conversation. Dad has a way with words that helps calm the mind and soul. Dad is loving. Dad is tender and easy going. Dad is in so many ways who I want to be when I grow up. He has made is life successful not only in his career but in his family as well. He is and was a fabulous father who loves his children unconditionally, and only wants the best for each of them. He is the calming waters in our family of unique personalities. I love my Dad! He is my hero!
Saturday, June 18, 2011
All You Can Eat!
Last night Bob took me to a fancy (at least to me) restaurant last night. I had tons of fun hearing his crazy old stories that he seems to have an endless supply of. I was able to for the first time try fresh crab. The texture was actually tougher than I thought it would be but I liked it alot. I think I had the most fun actually cracking the shells to get to the meat. I decided that its a great diet technique to have to work so hard for that little bit of meat. I enjoyed every minute of it and can't wait to eat some again, hopefully soon.
I have been trying to get Bob to get out of the house since I've arrived in at the Walker Farm. It seems that he has developed a bad habit of staying in too much. He's been pretty down since I left him so I've been challenging him left and right. We went to costco this week, which is always a 5 hour or deal and I actually hate going because I'm always loaded with an enormously heavy cart and theres no room to push or pull it. I guess I'm like Dad when it comes to shopping. I also got him to mow his lawn this week. yeah! it needed it. I haven't got him to pull weeds with me( which would be a bit difficult since he's in a wheel chair) but he has agreed to take me to town to buy flowers and what not to plant. Tonight I'm getting him to get pizza for the missionaries since they will be coming again. Next week I've got him committed to going to the movies... we will see what else I can get him to do. Ha ha!! Today I finally got him out of bed after I got home from the gym by cooking him some breakfast if he'd do some weight lifting. He! He! I'm learning his random diet plan so now I can use food to motivate him. I love it! Bring on more fresh crab experiences. :)
I have been trying to get Bob to get out of the house since I've arrived in at the Walker Farm. It seems that he has developed a bad habit of staying in too much. He's been pretty down since I left him so I've been challenging him left and right. We went to costco this week, which is always a 5 hour or deal and I actually hate going because I'm always loaded with an enormously heavy cart and theres no room to push or pull it. I guess I'm like Dad when it comes to shopping. I also got him to mow his lawn this week. yeah! it needed it. I haven't got him to pull weeds with me( which would be a bit difficult since he's in a wheel chair) but he has agreed to take me to town to buy flowers and what not to plant. Tonight I'm getting him to get pizza for the missionaries since they will be coming again. Next week I've got him committed to going to the movies... we will see what else I can get him to do. Ha ha!! Today I finally got him out of bed after I got home from the gym by cooking him some breakfast if he'd do some weight lifting. He! He! I'm learning his random diet plan so now I can use food to motivate him. I love it! Bring on more fresh crab experiences. :)
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Not Even A Week Yet....
Can I just tell you that this has seemed like the longest week ever, and it hasn't even been a week since I have been here in beautiful Oregon. It's even prettier than I had remembered it before. While I was gone it seemed to have continued to rain alot. Everyone here is saying they are so ready for summer. Haha! My first thoughts were doesn't it always rain here in Oregon. What do you mean? Apparently they do sort of have summer cause it hasn't rained here in Amity since I've been here. Granted it's cooler here then it was in Utah.
So far things have gone fairly well. I now have a year membership to Cindy's Gym in Mcminnville and have worked out everyday thus far...though I don't have time to do so today. I'm supposed to be studying right now, but am taking a much needed break. I've been working on homework and studying since 11 this morning. I'm almost done and then I need to go pick some weeds for Bob again. :) I have found that I've kind of liked the time out in the yard by myself. Though I love Bob and being with him is great it's nice not to have to entertain him for awhile.
This week is finals in school so I'm trying hard to study and get a couple more A's to add to my GPA. All of my busy work for this week is done now I just have the big finals to complete. I plan to take them either tomorrow or Saturday. Wish me luck!
Still no luck in finding Corbin. Bob doesn't know it but I've been looking for him everyday that I've been here. I'm trying to get Bob out of his funk so talking about Corbin isn't a good topic at the moment. Every time I even bring up his name it makes things almost acquired in the room. It makes me sad, but I'm trying to deal with it as the emotions come and not dwell on it too much.
I finally have meet the famous Cindy. Bob's wife/sorta x-wife. We haven't really talked per say but it's been interesting to watch her and observe her. She's more negative then I had thought she would be. Also and maybe this is mean of me to think but she looks just as old as Bob does. If it was a temptation before to jump into that tanning bed next to my room its sure not after I see her. Though shes nice and tan she has the baggy eyes of a 75 - 80 year old woman. Really they are something awful. Poor woman. Thank goodness for makeup it will cover most of it up for now. The worst part is her discoloration.
K I gotta get back to studying. Sorry it's so random, I have a lot on my mind right now.
So far things have gone fairly well. I now have a year membership to Cindy's Gym in Mcminnville and have worked out everyday thus far...though I don't have time to do so today. I'm supposed to be studying right now, but am taking a much needed break. I've been working on homework and studying since 11 this morning. I'm almost done and then I need to go pick some weeds for Bob again. :) I have found that I've kind of liked the time out in the yard by myself. Though I love Bob and being with him is great it's nice not to have to entertain him for awhile.
This week is finals in school so I'm trying hard to study and get a couple more A's to add to my GPA. All of my busy work for this week is done now I just have the big finals to complete. I plan to take them either tomorrow or Saturday. Wish me luck!
Still no luck in finding Corbin. Bob doesn't know it but I've been looking for him everyday that I've been here. I'm trying to get Bob out of his funk so talking about Corbin isn't a good topic at the moment. Every time I even bring up his name it makes things almost acquired in the room. It makes me sad, but I'm trying to deal with it as the emotions come and not dwell on it too much.
I finally have meet the famous Cindy. Bob's wife/sorta x-wife. We haven't really talked per say but it's been interesting to watch her and observe her. She's more negative then I had thought she would be. Also and maybe this is mean of me to think but she looks just as old as Bob does. If it was a temptation before to jump into that tanning bed next to my room its sure not after I see her. Though shes nice and tan she has the baggy eyes of a 75 - 80 year old woman. Really they are something awful. Poor woman. Thank goodness for makeup it will cover most of it up for now. The worst part is her discoloration.
K I gotta get back to studying. Sorry it's so random, I have a lot on my mind right now.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
New Blog
I'm not sure what happened to my old blog that I had. I'm really sad that I haven't been able to get all my pictures and what no off of it, but what can you do. So here I am started a new one at the beginning of my second try living in Amity, Oregon. :)
I'm leaving today after my last day working for Dad. I guess technically it's my last day of "daddy boot camp" as well. Hmm. I guess I'll have to start my own boot camp when I get to Oregon. Thanks Dad for all your patience and love with me. I know I can be really good at frustrating people at times.
Well......here I go. Wish me luck!
I'm leaving today after my last day working for Dad. I guess technically it's my last day of "daddy boot camp" as well. Hmm. I guess I'll have to start my own boot camp when I get to Oregon. Thanks Dad for all your patience and love with me. I know I can be really good at frustrating people at times.
Well......here I go. Wish me luck!
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